We have been advising our client, the Becon Consortium, on a project first for Northern Ireland in seeking planning permission for a £240million integrated waste management facility required for the arc21 region that combines the technologies of MBT (Mechanical and Biological Treatment – the recovery of all materials of recyclable value) and EfW (Energy from Waste – utilising residual waste as a fuel to generate heat and electricity).
Our role in this project has involved the co-ordination and production of a comprehensive Pre-Application Discussion (PAD) submission and consultation process including the most wide ranging public consultation exercise to be undertaken for a major development project in Northern Ireland.
A full planning application was submitted to DoE Planning in March 2014 and we have been responsible for proactively managing the consultation process and engaging with consultees and DoE Strategic Projects Team to build on the helpful and detailed feedback received as part of PAD. The PAD process has proved invaluable to the project, ensuring familiarity with the proposal and minimising further information requirements at application stage as far as practicable.
All consultees have now responded favourably on the application and DoE Planning is currently working towards having their report of recommendation to the Minister in the coming weeks.