
We specifically tailor our service to suit client requirements, taking time to understand what they wish to achieve and apply our experience to plan developments with confidence, formulating the best strategy to achieve client aspirations.

In doing so we have established a reputation for a commercial approach to what we do, offering a highly proactive focus in progressing all of our project work.

Our focus is on presenting planning submissions that consider all factors that a decision maker needs to cover whilst ensuring strong communication and monitoring of our projects to maintain constant feedback on progress to our clients.

We only work on projects we believe we can secure permission for, taking time to identify fundamental constraints at the outset and to make clients aware of the prospects of success.  Clients like our professional approach and commitment to enhancing their business.

  • Development potential assessment and appraisal and strategic advice to enhance land value

  • Planning history due diligence and all types of court related planning expert witness work

  • Planning application preparation, management and co-ordination of the planning process including diligent monitoring and pursuit of decisions

  • Preparation of community consultation project information, attendance at information sessions and capturing engagement through preparation of ‘Statements of Community involvement’

  • Environmental Impact Assessment – team mobilisation, co-ordination, preparation and publication

  • Post planning permission compliance – discharging conditions and maintaining planning permission records

  • Planning Appeals – evidence preparation, direct access to Counsel, professional witness co-ordination, experienced expert witness

  • Development Plan representation and land promotion